Traditional, Ancient Grains & Original Pizza Crusts

PREHEAT OVEN to 400°F, with pizza stone if desired.

CHOOSE your favorite toppings, place on crust and prepare to enjoy your creation. 

CHEWY CRUST: Bake on a sheet pan for 7-9 minutes. 

CRISPY CRUST: Bake directly on oven rack or pizza stone for 9-12 minutes.

EXTRA CRISPY CRUST: Pre-bake olive oil brushed crust for 3-5 minutes, add toppings and bake for an additional 5-10 minutes.

NOTE: Amount of toppings may affect bake time.

TIP: For best flavor drizzle with olive or truffle oil after baking.


Traditional, Ancient Grains and Original Pizza Crusts

Use a charcoal or gas grill set on medium or medium-high settings.

Lightly brush both sides of Brooklyn Bred Crust with olive oil.
Grill crust top down on a covered grill for approximately 2 minutes.

Turn crust over and top lightly with desired pizza toppings and cheese.
Cook pizza on covered grill until desired doneness, toppings are warmed and cheese is melted. Grill a little longer if you desire a crispier crust.

When grilling pizza crusts, please do not leave them unattended as grills vary in temperature.
Serve immediately.


Neapolitan Thin Pizza Crust

PREHEAT OVEN to 400°F, with pizza stone if desired.

CHOOSE your favorite toppings, place on crust and prepare to enjoy your creation.

CHEWY CRUST: Bake on a sheet pan for 4-5 minutes.

CRISPY CRUST: Bake directly on oven rack or pizza stone for 4-5 minutes.

NOTE: Amount of toppings may affect bake time.

TIP: For best flavor drizzle with olive or truffle oil after baking.


Neapolitan Thin Pizza Crust

Use a charcoal or gas grill set on low to medium settings.

Lightly brush both sides of Brooklyn Bred Neapolitan Crust with olive oil.

Grill crust top down on a covered grill for approximately 1-2 minutes or until golden brown.

Turn crust over and top lightly with desired pizza toppings and cheese.

Cook pizza on covered grill until desired doneness, toppings are warmed and cheese is melted. Grill a little longer if you desire a crispier crust.

When grilling pizza crusts, please do not leave them unattended as grills vary in temperature.
Serve immediately.


Sprouted Grain Neapolitan Thin Pizza Crust

PREHEAT OVEN to 400°F, with pizza stone if desired.

CHOOSE your favorite toppings, place on crust and prepare to enjoy your creation.

CHEWY CRUST: Bake on a sheet pan for 6-8 minutes.

CRISPY CRUST: Bake directly on oven rack for 5-7 minutes or pizza stone for 4-5 minutes.

NOTE: Amount of toppings may affect bake time. 

TIP: For best flavor drizzle with olive or truffle oil after baking.


Sprouted Grain Neapolitan Thin Pizza Crust

Use a charcoal or gas grill set on low to medium settings.

Lightly brush both sides of Brooklyn Bred Neapolitan Crust with olive oil.

Grill crust top down on a covered grill for approximately 1-2 minutes or until golden brown.

Turn crust over and top lightly with desired pizza toppings and cheese.

Cook pizza on covered grill until desired doneness, toppings are warmed and cheese is melted. Grill a little longer if you desire a crispier crust.

When grilling pizza crusts, please do not leave them unattended as grills vary in temperature.
Serve immediately.


Sicilian Thick Pizza Crust


SOFT CRUST: Top with your favorite toppings and bake in bakeable tray for 10-12 minutes.

CRISPY CRUST:  Lightly spray inside of bakeable tray with olive oil, top crust with your favorite toppings, bake in bakeable tray for 12-14 minutes.

EXTRA CRISPY: Move oven rack to lower third of oven, follow crispy crust instructions.

NOTE: Amount of toppings may affect bake time.

TIP: For a crispy cheesy crust sprinkle cheese along the sides of the crust so it melts between the crust and the tray, drizzle with olive or truffle oil after baking for best flavor.


Traditional & Sprouted Grains Lavash

LAY LAVASH on a flat surface, bubble side down with perforation vertically oriented.

CHOOSE your favorite fillings and sprinkle them over top half of lavash, fold top half of lavash over bottom half and cut in half along perforation.

IN A LARGE SKILLET add 1 tbsp EVOO and heat pan over medium heat until hot.

COOK each side of lavash 2–3 minutes, until golden brown and cheese (if used) is melted, remove from pan, plate and serve.